terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2011

Coffe beans and Dorian Grey

After this past 2 weeks being a beautiful mess of Art History, kaleidoscope thoughts, enough coffee to flood my room and general studies and exams, tonight I am happily feasting  on herbal mint tea and dragging myself from one side of the sofa to the other.

I said to myself I would  get out of the house really early this morning and, since I kept my promise, I felt kind of grumpy and sleepy, to the disgrace of the boy, but suddenly there was this intense fresh summer breeze in the air that made up for everything (except for the heat, yes, I really hate heat ).
I was so happy about the early morning hour because I wouldn't have had this amazingly surprising summer-ish sensation if I had got up later.

soon we'll all be barefoot, and running around in the sand.

after almost no sleep, today's morning was iced coffe , reading Oscar Wilde all over again and falling lollipops from the sky.

if I continue drinking this much coffe I'll be called coffe bean by the end of the summer, I suppose.

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